New regulations for unlicensed car rental companies


ANA - Aeroportos de Portugal, is set to regulate activity for unlicensed car rental companies operating out of airport terminals. The new regulation will be presented and discussed with all interested parties during a set of meetings to be held at our airports nationwide within the next few days. The regulation is scheduled to come into effect on April 1st.

The car rental business has led to two different market stances: companies that operate under the traditional model and companies that have opted for a low-cost business model, with lower fixed costs and without airport licenses. These companies operate on airport curbsides, delivering and collecting rental cars to and from customers using a shuttle service. It will now be possible for non-licensed companies to operate at airports in a duly regulated environment and fair terms.

The new rules aim to establish equal and fair business conditions between different operators, with specific fees for different business models. The new regulation will determine terms of access and activity within passenger terminal areas.

Customers will be the main beneficiaries as they will have access to better quality and safer service. As a result of the new regulation, customer service will have a designated area, as will car pick-up and drop-off points. Signage will also be improved. This regulation will apply to all ANA managed airports.

Maintaining higher levels of service quality in the tourist industry in Portugal, an area where ANA plays an important role, is one of the main reasons why it is crucial to have rules which define all activity that takes place at airports, such as restaurants, shops and car rentals.