Air Traffic Control Strike

ANA - Aeroportos de Portugal informs all passengers and other airport users that a strike has been called by air traffic controllers from NAV, EPE, the company that manages the Portuguese air space, for tomorrow Jan. 29 between 07h00/09h00 UTC* and 14h00 / 16h00 UTC*, which will affect air traffic and may hinder airport operations.

Therefore, and in order to minimize any inconvenience, ANA recommends  that all passengers confirm their flights with the airline company, local representatives or travel agents before making their way to the airport.

ANA - Aeroportos de Portugal is alien to this strike, regretting any inconvenience caused to passengers.


* UTC – Universal Time Coordinated, affecting continental Portugal at the following times: 07h00/09h00, and 14h00/16h00 and in Azores at 06h00/08h00 and 13h00/15h00