1. Introduction
In accordance with the law and the Concession Agreement, ANA has formally launched, on the 8th February 2013, the Charges consultation procedure addressed to Users. For this purpose, and according to the established programs, formal meetings were held with the Users of Lisbon Group, Oporto and Faro Airports. ANA received ten replies regarding the presented Charges proposals, three of which related to the three consultation procedures.
This statement resumes the final decision of ANA, which has taken into account the opinion of Users and their representatives and Associations, received during the formal consultation meetings and through the written replies sent to ANA. These feedbacks, together with ANA’s comments, are part of the Files of the Consultation Procedure Result that were sent to the Civil Aviation Authority (INAC) and to the Users that have participated in the Charges consultation  procedure, according to Article 71 of Decree-law 254/2012 of 28 November.
ANA’s Board of Directors is pleased with the engagement demonstrated by Users and their representatives and Associations and wishes to strengthen the constructive dialogue with its Clients regarding economic regulation. This is also the opportunity to thank all those involved in the above mentioned consultation procedure.
2. Decision

Regarding the charges proposal presented to the Users, and taking into account the opinions received, ANA concluded that there is no justification or relevant arguments for changing the charges proposal.
Considering that:
a. The traffic and ground handling charges at ANA Airports have remained unchanged for almost five years, except for the PMR charge which, due to improved efficiency arising from  a rational resources management and good traffic performance, has registered a 23% reduction since it was created in 2008;
b. The charges proposal was meant to avoid changes in the charges structure and in the current charging rules in order to simplify the implementation procedure of the new regulation model;
c. The comments received during the consultation procedure were mainly focused on the characteristics of the regulatory model and, in some cases, on the charges structure, and not on the substantive aspects of the presented Proposal;
d. Nevertheless, all opinions were carefully analyzed and comments produced by ANA are part of the Procedure Files;
e. The proposal for a moderate increase of the charges was adopted, with an established Regulated Revenue Cap2013  21%  below the maximum amount allowed by the application of the economic regulation model for Lisbon Group and Porto Airport, and 11% below for Faro Airport;
f. The decision of not optimizing the allowed Regulated Revenue Cap2013 took into account the objective to minimize the impact of a charges increase in just six months of 2013 and also to prevent the adjustment of charges arising from an eventual scenario of traffic performance below forecast. In fact, charges already revealed a moderation trend, meeting the expectations of the Users;
g. On an annual basis, the increase of the regulated charges in Lisbon Group accounts for a variation of 2,2% of regulated taxes in Lisbon Airport, 1,8%  in Faro Airport and 1% in Oporto Airport. All these are still below the reference inflation rate established by the regulatory model;
h. In absolute terms, the charges increases are 0,17,  0,08 and 0,14 Euros per terminal passenger, in Lisbon, Oporto and Faro Airports respectively. ANA considers that these charges adjustments do not negatively impact traffic performance;
i. Moreover, the Regulated Revenue Cap2013 established by ANA for Lisbon Group, Oporto and Faro Airports are provisional since they have to face market validation, which means that if traffic performance is lower than expected, ANA will return to its Clients the differential arising from the forecast errors regarding the number of terminal passengers.
Therefore, the Board of Directors decided to:
a) Approve the Charges Proposal presented by ANA to Users on the 8th February 2013;
b) Publish on ANA’s website (internet), on the 1th April 2013, the regulated charges Tables applicable to Lisbon Airport, Azores Airports, Beja’s Civil Terminal, Oporto
Airport and Faro Airport which will take effect from 1 June 2013.
ANA_ Airports of Portugal SA, 27th March 2013

Annex: Regulated Airport Charges_ 2013